Sunday, October 30, 2011

Aulad's Convocation Day

It is one of Aulad's main event of the year. All went well, alhamdulillah.

The event took place at dewan Anwar Mahmud, UKM. It began at 8:30 am and ended about 11:00 am. Our heartfelt thanks to the master of the ceremony Fatimah Azzahra Hamirdin. Our thanks also goes to our special guest Professor Dr. Hamirdin Ithnin, who is Aulad's advisor, for presenting the welcoming speech and giving away the award and certificates.

To register your child for year 2012, please call us NOW.

Ummu Latifah


  1. Bundo,Tahniah ,semuanya dah selesai dan selamat.

  2. Assalamualaikum..
    Maaf seandainya email saya ini mengganggu cik puan.
    Saya Nor Nabila Maulad Haris Fadillah dari Kolej Islam Antarabangsa Gombak KL.Saya mengambil jurusan Pendidikan Islam Awal Kanak-kanak. Saya ingin bertanya, adakah tadika di Taman Jasmin, terima pelajar yang ingin membuat praktikal selama 2 bulan?
